Sales Training Manual Free Download
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Basic sales training for people new to sales, and self employed and small business owners that sell products and services. This free sales training program from Can download it and start using it today at.
Achieve consistent and thorough customer service training with a comprehensive training manual.
Powerful training, simplified
Join the hundreds of teams—from Fortune 100 enterprises to local businesses—who use Lessonly to onboard, train, and continuously enable millions of employees to learn, practice, and Do Better Work.
Consistent and thorough customer service training is essential—even when customers already seem satisfied. LinkedIn reports that only 4 percent of disappointed customers complain to staff members, but nine out of 10 never return. Internal customer service training must be standardized to avoid serious discrepancies that result in customer churn. Without a single training plan, managers and co-workers may train each staff member to use different techniques. This can lead to conflict or dissatisfaction when every employee treats customers differently.
For example, shoppers may become frustrated if some cashiers accept coupons on sale items, while others do not. The same goes for arbitrary responses to special requests, product returns, or pricing disputes. When businesses deliver consistent education on customer service skills, customers get better service. Fortunately, there’s a convenient way to keep everyone on the same page. A detailed customer service training manual ensures that every representative learns the same basic concepts, practices, and policies. It also makes customer service skills training more efficient. Trainers can easily refer to a company’s manual when they have questions about the appropriate strategies to teach. They don’t have to guess or spend time asking supervisors and other company leaders for information.
If you don’t have a customer service training manual of your own, feel free to download this one to:
- Provide consistent training
- Train employees more quickly
- Ensure customers are treated equally
Customer Service Training Manual Template
You may wonder how you’ll ever find the time to create a staff training manual for your company. It could take days to write from scratch and even longer to thoroughly edit. Sure, you could hire someone else, but they probably wouldn’t be familiar with your organization or its customers. Save time and money with our free customer service training manual template. It covers the basic concepts that every customer service team should know—but it’s easy to modify and edit as necessary. Staff members need to know how supervisors assess their skills: Is it more important to act friendly and helpful or to boost today’s net profits? This template features basic principles, do’s and don’ts, and training tips for your customer service team.
Customer Care Training Manual
One crucial benefit of a training manual is that it describes a standard process for interacting with customers. Such processes usually involve steps that staff members can follow in most situations. For example, a customer service representative could greet a customer, take time to listen to their problem, suggest a solution, answer their questions, and encourage the relationship. This can also be found in an employee handbook—and we’ve also created an employee handbook template resource for you to use. While you may choose to employ separate procedures for complaints, returns, or other transactions, it’s best to have a single process that applies to most situations. These helpful guidelines expedite and simplify every interaction with customers. It’s also important to highlight these processes in your customer care training manual and periodically discuss them with staff members. This ensures that everyone takes the right steps to satisfy customers in a way that doesn’t create double standards or confusion. Our customer service training manual (free download) can help you get started. Our blog also provides plenty of customer service training ideas that you can incorporate into any retail, hospitality, or call center training manual template.
Customer Service Training by Industry
In many ways, serving customers is the same in any industry. Every business has to answer questions, respond to special requests, and field the occasional complaint. Nonetheless, some topics apply specifically to certain industries. For example, only a retail customer service training manual would need to tell a cashier what to do when there’s only one “buy-one-get-one-free” item on the shelf. Manuals for food servers and cooks should explain how to handle requests that send meals back to the kitchen, while other manuals must address ways to communicate with certain groups of people. For instance, a Disney customer service training manual needs to cover interactions with small children as well as parents. Other businesses, like banks, medical offices, or pharmacies, must pay extra attention to educating their employees about privacy and should share tips on discreet communication. A customer service training manual for hotels ought to prepare the staff to solve these problems fairly. At the same time, it is fine to borrow ideas from other industries. In fact, according to Forbes, Apple has successfully used hotel service techniques in its retail stores.
Customer Care Training Manual Formats
Training manuals and templates come in a range of different file formats. It’s important to choose a format that matches your favorite delivery method. A customer service training manual PDF is easy to print or view on any computer with an up-to-date PDF viewer like Adobe Reader. To edit and distribute or print a DOCX manual, you’ll need a recent edition of Microsoft Word. If you would like to showcase your customer service tips in a presentation, consider using a customer service training manual PPT file. Microsoft PowerPoint or the Apache OpenOffice Impress program can open and display this type of document. Such manuals may incorporate animation, slide transitions or sound effects. Consider using Lessonly’s software to deliver your manual in the form of online lessons. Our system makes it easy to create, distribute, and track training content. Explore our website for further details and customer service tips.
If you are looking to train your entire staff, and not just the customer service department, check out our training plan template as a helpful starting point.
Create a manual unique to your dealership.
This manual will be given to all sales people presently employed, as well as all new sales people hired. This manual will have all of the dealership do’s and don’ts as well as general information that is typically disseminated to sales people at sales meetings. The following are a few examples of documents that should be in this manual: Secretary of State newsletters that are of interest to the sales force, company policy regarding credit applications with an example of a properly filled out credit application, Properly completed delivery check list, company policies specific to the sales departments, copy of a properly completed used vehicle appraisal form, copy of a properly completed deal work sheet, copy of a properly completed buyers order, completed copies of all forms necessary to perform a proper and legal delivery, copy of a certificate of origin for new vehicles, certificate of title for used vehicles (properly filled out) and a dealer statement regarding salvage titles. Naturally this is only a sample of the many items that should be in this book.
Customers expect sales people to know about the company you want them buy from.
1) Every sales person should have a who’s who sheet, which should include all necessary personnel and their telephone extensions as well as hours of operation for all departments.
2) How vehicle keys are handled.
a) Where keys are they kept.
b) Sign out procedure.
c) How to protect keys.
d) The necessity for proper key control.
3) How dealer plates are handled and managed.
a) Where dealer plates are kept
b) Sign out procedure.
c) The responsibility of the sales person when they have a dealer plate.
d) The necessity for proper dealer plate controls.
4) Dealership policy for dealer trades.
a) Who calls the other dealerships.
b) When they should call another dealership.
c) Who goes on the trade.
d) What forms and paperwork is necessary to do a proper dealer trade
e) How to inspect the vehicle they are picking up at another dealership.
5) Dealership policy on money laundering and cash sales over $10,000.
6) Who will desk deals.
7) What is the desking procedure:
a) Personal visit to the desk.
b) Sales person calls to the desk.
c) When a sales person should go to the desk.
d) What a sales person should say to a customer when they leave to go to the
8) The appraisal procedure:
a) When a sales person is permitted to have a vehicle appraised
b) Who to see to have a used vehicles appraised.
c) What form the dealership uses for used vehicle appraisals.
d) Who reviews the appraisal figure with the sales person
f) Who determines when and if additional moneys should be put in a used vehicle.
g) What a sales person should and should not say regarding a customers trade.
9) Use of a sales work sheet, four square or profile sheet to work a deal.
a) Who prepares the buyers order
b) Who approves the deal.
c) The process for depositing money on a deal
10) How deposit refunds are handled:
a) Who to go to for approval of a refund
b) Does the dealership have a waiting period for checks - if so -- I recommend that
checks not be deposited until the time of delivery. If the check is of a sizable
nature the check should be hammered and then immediately deposited.
c) What is the time schedule for refunds.
d) What is the internal procedure to get a refund check prepared.
11) The company’s policy regarding dealer rebates.
12) The dealership’s policy regarding loaner vehicles.13) The salesperson’s
responsibility with regard to getting a vehicle ready for delivery
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1) The dealerships standard with regard to units delivered.
2) The importance of forecasting.
3) How to determine the number of UP’s needed for a sales person to reach and establish goals.
4) Design and implementation of a proper forecasting system.
5) The difference between forecasting and goal setting.
6) The importance of clear and concise goals.
7) Proper and realistic goal development and monitoring. Short term,medium range and long term goals.
1) The importance of tracking performance.
2) What to track.
3) How to use historical data to improve future performance.
4) Maintenance of their prospect and customer files.
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1) The benefit of appointments.
a) How to set appointments.
b) How and when to follow up appointments.
2) Avoid black top seminars.
3) If you’re bored, it’s your fault.
4) Being a proactive salesperson rather than a reactive salesperson.
5) The necessity of a day planner.
6) The benefit of starting every day with a written plan.
7) Every day should end with a review of the days plan vs. the days accomplishments.
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1) Professional appearance.
a) The benefit of coming to work well groomed and properly dressed.
2) Professional attitude.
a) How attitude can affect you ability to sell and communicate.
b) How fellow employees and friends can affect your attitude, and your sales
3) Ambition. Desire to succeed.
4) Accuracy is critical
a) The importance of accurate paperwork.
b) The benefit of doing paper work properly.
c) How poor paper work can ruin your day and cost you and the dealership time
and money.
5) Consistency in your presentation.
a) Why a consistent approach helps keep you on track.
b) The downside of an inconsistent approach.
6) Business cards.
7) Brochures.
8) The importance of being knowledgeable of product, factory and dealership
9) Credibility. With out it you have nothing.
10) Never eat at your desk.
11) Check your personal problems at the door.
12) The importance of being self disciplined.
13) Dependability.
14) Organizational skills.
15) Ability to handle rejection.
16) Confidence.
17) Good Judgment.
18) Sense of humor.
19) No smoking on the showroom floor or in the presence of a customer.
20) The importance of every salesperson carrying a pocket pad and pen or pencil at
all times.
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1) Create a brag book that your customers can review when you are going over the deal with the desk or have to leave the customer for any other reason.
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![Service Service](
1) The importance of maintaining a quality non-confrontational relationship with the customer.
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1) Developing bird-dogs.
2) Advertising.
3) Cold calls.
4) Who do you know sheets.
5) How to handle orphan owners.
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1) Who should handle telephone up’s.
2) Why telephone up’s can actually be better than a walk-in.3) How to turn a
telephone up into an appointment.
4) Treat phone up the same as you would had the person visited the dealership.
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1) Why this person may be the best up you will have today.2) How to get a service customer to want you to do a presentation.
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1) The difference between payment buyers and trade difference buyers.2) Is leasing for everyone.
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1) The importance of a great first impression.
2) The greeting should be consistent.
3) Most people will respond with the statement ' I’m just looking'. How to overcome
4) The do’s and don’ts in meeting and greeting a customer.5) The importance of
immediate and total dedication to this customer and nothing else.
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1) How to ask intelligent and probing questions.
2) Budget discussion.
3) Why this time with the customer is so important.
4) The importance of building rapport.
5) Controlling the up.
6) How to ask the right questions, which will enable you to get accurate answers.
Perception, may confuse reality. Example: A customer states that their vehicle is
loaded. When in reality all it has is an automatic transmission and power steering
and brakes.
7) The importance of listening to the customer.
8) Determining what type of buyer we are dealing with:
a) Need buyer
b) Want buyer
c) Price buyer
d) Prestige buyer
e) Excitement buyer
f) Sport utility buyer
g) Truck buyer
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1) The importance of landing on the right vehicle.
a) How to know when the customer asks for a specific vehicle, but in reality
needs and wants something else.
2) When to do an inventory walk.
3) When to dealer trade, and how to avoid it.
4) Emotional buying VS logical buying.
5) Finding the customers hot buttons.
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1) Product knowledge is absolutely essential:
a) Do all sales people have product facts books? If not, a dealership version
should be developed.
2) Demonstrating features and benefits build value.
3) Basic mechanical knowledge.
4) The importance of walking the lot every day.
5) The basics of manufacturer product manuals.
6) The importance of understanding the manufacturers warranty.
7) Total knowledge of the manufacturers brochures.
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1) This may be one of the most important parts of your presentation.2) Safety sheet.
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1) All Drivers must have a valid drivers license.
2) Temperature checks are extremely important at this time.
3) Dealership policy with regard to demo route.
4) The importance of the demo ride.
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1) Why this may the turning point in winning the customer over2) How to set up a proper service walk
Free Sales Training Manual
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1) How and when to present the figures.
2) Paying attention to detail.
3) Writing a deal subject to a spouses approval.
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1) How and when to hold money on the trade.
2) Understanding how, why and when to inflate the trade.
3) How to deal with negative equity in the trade.
4) The silent appraisal.
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1) Why we never argue with a customer over price.
2) Understanding the necessity of having all buyers present, and what to do if they are
3) Why we always use odd numbers when bumping the customer.
4) How to get commitment to buy today.
5) Importance of down payment, and how if affects gross.
6) The importance of understanding that gross is not a dirty word.
7) How to know what type of customer we are working with. Working the full price, or working the payment.
8) Splitting the difference, use odd numbers. There is no rule that you have to always do a 50/50 split.
9) How to use the powerful phrase 'Up - to'.
10) How to handle the counter offer.
11) The reasons for starting the pricing high.
12) Discount slowly.
13) How to avoid the words 'if I could would you?'
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1) The importance of rehearsing possible objections.
2) Covering virtually every objection and their appropriate response.
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1) Always be closing.
2) No visible clocks should be in the closing area.
3) Knowing how to determine whether the problem is the car or the price.
4) How to handle deposits - checks, cash or charge.
5) Trial closes.
6) Assumptive close.
7) Alternate close.
8) Ben Franklin close.
9) The take away close.
10) Do not be afraid to ask for the order. As many times as it takes.
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1) Every unsold customer must be turned over to a manager.
2) Absolutely no standing T.O.’s
Sales Training Manual Free Download For Windows 7
1) How to coordinate a proper delivery.
2) What the customer should bring to the dealership when they come to pick up their
new or used vehicle.
3) Insurance verification.
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1) Every sales person should have their own little clean up kit to do those little touch up jobs that are always necessary.
2) What a sales person should watch for in vehicle preparation:
a) Vehicle is mechanically prepped.
b) All options are installed and in working order.
c) Vehicle is clean and there is no physical or cosmetic damage.
d) Full tank of gas.
e) The vehicle should be ready for delivery at least one hour prior to the
customers scheduled time for pick up.
3) Due slips or we owe slips should be prepared in advance. When this is done it gives the sales person credibility. When this is not done the customer often feels the sales person may have hoped this issue may have gone unnoticed.
4) Miscellaneous paperwork should be complete prior to the customers arrival.
5) Schedule delivery time with the Business Manager.
6) Complete vehicle, option and feature presentation. This is your opportunity to make sure the customer feel good about the purchase.
a) re-demo the vehicle.
b) review all critical areas, such as, spare tire, jack, fuse location, lubricant
locations, emergency flashers, key operation and removal, and how to operate
and reset the electronics.
7) Make sure you have two sets of keys and key codes.
8) Owners manual review. The sales person should have a planned presentation.
9) Customer introduction to service manager and service writers.
a) full explanation of service procedures.
10) Complete review of the manufacturers customer satisfaction surveys.
11) Ask for referrals.
12) Developing referral sources.
13) Schedule a three day follow-up call in your planner.
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1) Understanding the difference between good customer follow up and prospecting.
2) Send a thank you card or letter.
3) How and why to follow-up customers who did not buy.
4) How to follow-up customers who did buy.
5) How to follow-up telephone up’s.
Free Sales Training Manual Templates
1) The importance of having and maintaining your own database.
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